current camera work: La nouvelle Atlantide,
From the very beginning, Mankind has always tried to understand the origin of the universe. However, today we know only 5% of its...

Naturalis Historia (de Pauline Julier)
Naturalis Historia est une exposition qui met en scène, à travers un ensemble de dispositifs visuels et sonores, plusieurs histoires...

La Sémiosphere du Commun
Radical Mycology - workshop and exposition in collaboration with Peter McCoy (radicalmycology.com) and Utopiana (utopiana.ch) at BAC...

When I grow up I want to be a recycling container
Preparing a workshop at Popps Packing Artist Residency, Hamtramck, Detroit - 5 and 7 of August 2016 (5 pm - 8 pm) think like mycelium and...